Yes, Here is why:
There is no conclusive scientific evidence that homeopathy is effective in treating any medical condition. Numerous studies have been conducted on homeopathy, but the results are inconsistent and often contradictory. The few studies that have shown some positive effects of homeopathy have been criticized for poor methodology and small sample sizes.
Dilution beyond Avogadro's limit: The basic principle of homeopathy is that highly diluted substances can produce healing effects. However, many homeopathic remedies are diluted to the point where they contain no active ingredients. This dilution is so extreme that it exceeds Avogadro's limit, which means that there is virtually no chance of any active molecules remaining in the final solution.
Many people who use homeopathy report feeling better after taking the remedies. However, this is likely due to the placebo effect - the psychological effect of believing that a treatment is effective. Studies have shown that homeopathy is no more effective than a placebo in treating most medical conditions.
PS: Homeopathy is often used as an alternative to conventional medicine, which can be dangerous. For serious or life-threatening conditions, delaying or avoiding conventional treatment in favor of homeopathy can have severe consequences, including death.